Kruskal's Algorithm

Kruskal's algorithm is a minimum-spanning-tree algorithm which finds an edge of the least possible weight that connects any two trees in the forest. It is a greedy algorithm in graph theory as it finds a minimum spanning tree for a connected weighted graph adding increasing cost arcs at each step. This means it finds a subset of the edges that forms a tree that includes every vertex, where the total weight of all the edges in the tree is minimized. If the graph is not connected, then it finds a minimum spanning forest (a minimum spanning tree for each connected component).

									class Edge
	public $Source;
	public $Destination;
	public $Weight;

class Graph
	public $VerticesCount;
	public $EdgesCount;
	public $_edge = array();

class Subset
	public $Parent;
	public $Rank;

function CreateGraph($verticesCount, $edgesCoun)
	$graph = new Graph();
	$graph->VerticesCount = $verticesCount;
	$graph->EdgesCount = $edgesCoun;
	$graph->_edge = array();
	for ($i = 0; $i < $graph->EdgesCount; ++$i)
		$graph->_edge[$i] = new Edge();

	return $graph;

function Find($subsets, $i)
	if ($subsets[$i]->Parent != $i)
		$subsets[$i]->Parent = Find($subsets, $subsets[$i]->Parent);

	return $subsets[$i]->Parent;

function Union($subsets, $x, $y)
	$xroot = Find($subsets, $x);
	$yroot = Find($subsets, $y);

	if ($subsets[$xroot]->Rank < $subsets[$yroot]->Rank)
		$subsets[$xroot]->Parent = $yroot;
	else if ($subsets[$xroot]->Rank > $subsets[$yroot]->Rank)
		$subsets[$yroot]->Parent = $xroot;
		$subsets[$yroot]->Parent = $xroot;

function CompareEdges($a, $b)
	return $a->Weight > $b->Weight;

function PrintResult($result, $e)
	for ($i = 0; $i < $e; ++$i)
		echo $result[$i]->Source . " -- " . $result[$i]->Destination . " == " . $result[$i]->Weight . "<br/>";

function Kruskal($graph)
	$verticesCount = $graph->VerticesCount;
	$result = array();
	$i = 0;
	$e = 0;
	usort($graph->_edge, "CompareEdges");

	$subsets = array();

	for ($v = 0; $v < $verticesCount; ++$v)
		$subsets[$v] = new Subset();
		$subsets[$v]->Parent = $v;
		$subsets[$v]->Rank = 0;

	while ($e < $verticesCount - 1)
		$nextEdge = $graph->_edge[$i++];
		$x = Find($subsets, $nextEdge->Source);
		$y = Find($subsets, $nextEdge->Destination);

		if ($x != $y)
			$result[$e++] = $nextEdge;
			Union($subsets, $x, $y);

	PrintResult($result, $e);


									$verticesCount = 4;
$edgesCount = 5;
$graph = CreateGraph($verticesCount, $edgesCount);

// Edge 0-1
$graph->_edge[0]->Source = 0;
$graph->_edge[0]->Destination = 1;
$graph->_edge[0]->Weight = 10;

// Edge 0-2
$graph->_edge[1]->Source = 0;
$graph->_edge[1]->Destination = 2;
$graph->_edge[1]->Weight = 6;

// Edge 0-3
$graph->_edge[2]->Source = 0;
$graph->_edge[2]->Destination = 3;
$graph->_edge[2]->Weight = 5;

// Edge 1-3
$graph->_edge[3]->Source = 1;
$graph->_edge[3]->Destination = 3;
$graph->_edge[3]->Weight = 15;

// Edge 2-3
$graph->_edge[4]->Source = 2;
$graph->_edge[4]->Destination = 3;
$graph->_edge[4]->Weight = 4;



									2 -- 3 == 4
0 -- 3 == 5
0 -- 1 == 10