Smooth Sort

Smooth sort is a comparison-based sorting algorithm. A variant of heap sort, it was invented and published by Edsger Dijkstra in 1981. Like heap sort, smooth sort is an in-place algorithm with an upper bound of O(n log n), but it is not a stable sort. The advantage of smooth sort is that it comes closer to O(n) time if the input is already sorted to some degree, whereas heap sort averages O(n log n) regardless of the initial sorted state.

									/*****Please include following Assemblies*******/
// Microsoft.VisualBasic (in Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll)

/*****Please use following namespaces*****/
// Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices

private static bool IsAscending(string A, string B)
	return (StringType.StrCmp(A, B, false) <= 0);

private static void UP(ref int IA, ref int IB, ref int temp)
	temp = IA;
	IA += IB + 1;
	IB = temp;

private static void DOWN(ref int IA, ref int IB, ref int temp)
	temp = IB;
	IB = IA - IB - 1;
	IA = temp;

private static int q, r, p, b, c, r1, b1, c1;
private static string[] A;

private static void Sift()
	int r0, r2, temp = 0;
	string t;
	r0 = r1;
	t = A[r0];

	while (b1 >= 3)
		r2 = r1 - b1 + c1;

		if (!IsAscending(A[r1 - 1], A[r2]))
			r2 = r1 - 1;
			DOWN(ref b1, ref c1, ref temp);

		if (IsAscending(A[r2], t))
			b1 = 1;
			A[r1] = A[r2];
			r1 = r2;
			DOWN(ref b1, ref c1, ref temp);

	if (Convert.ToBoolean(r1 - r0))
		A[r1] = t;

private static void Trinkle()
	int p1, r2, r3, r0, temp = 0;
	string t;
	p1 = p;
	b1 = b;
	c1 = c;
	r0 = r1;
	t = A[r0];

	while (p1 > 0)
		while ((p1 & 1) == 0)
			p1 >>= 1;
			UP(ref b1, ref c1, ref temp);

		r3 = r1 - b1;

		if ((p1 == 1) || IsAscending(A[r3], t))
			p1 = 0;

			if (b1 == 1)
				A[r1] = A[r3];
				r1 = r3;
				if (b1 >= 3)
					r2 = r1 - b1 + c1;

					if (!IsAscending(A[r1 - 1], A[r2]))
						r2 = r1 - 1;
						DOWN(ref b1, ref c1, ref temp);
						p1 <<= 1;
					if (IsAscending(A[r2], A[r3]))
						A[r1] = A[r3]; r1 = r3;
						A[r1] = A[r2];
						r1 = r2;
						DOWN(ref b1, ref c1, ref temp);
						p1 = 0;

	if (Convert.ToBoolean(r0 - r1))
		A[r1] = t;


private static void SemiTrinkle()
	string T;
	r1 = r - c;

	if (!IsAscending(A[r1], A[r]))
		T = A[r];
		A[r] = A[r1];
		A[r1] = T;

public static void SmoothSort(string[] Aarg, int N)
	int temp = 0;
	A = Aarg;
	q = 1;
	r = 0;
	p = 1;
	b = 1;
	c = 1;

	while (q < N)
		r1 = r;
		if ((p & 7) == 3)
			b1 = b;
			c1 = c;
			p = (p + 1) >> 2;
			UP(ref b, ref c, ref temp);
			UP(ref b, ref c, ref temp);
		else if ((p & 3) == 1)
			if (q + c < N)
				b1 = b;
				c1 = c;

			DOWN(ref b, ref c, ref temp);
			p <<= 1;

			while (b > 1)
				DOWN(ref b, ref c, ref temp);
				p <<= 1;



	r1 = r;

	while (q > 1)

		if (b == 1)

			while ((p & 1) == 0)
				p >>= 1;
				UP(ref b, ref c, ref temp);
			if (b >= 3)
				r = r - b + c;
				if (p > 0)

				DOWN(ref b, ref c, ref temp);
				p = (p << 1) + 1;
				r = r + c;
				DOWN(ref b, ref c, ref temp);
				p = (p << 1) + 1;


									string[] data = { "Hello", "World", "Computer", "VB.Net", "PHP" };
SmoothSort(data, 5);

