Days In Month

This algorithm finds the total days in a month according to the input date.

									Public Shared Function GetDaysInMonth(year As UInteger, month As Byte) As Byte
	Dim daysInMonth As Byte

	If month = 4 OrElse month = 6 OrElse month = 9 OrElse month = 11 Then
		daysInMonth = 30
	ElseIf month = 2 Then
		If IsLeapYear(year) Then
			daysInMonth = 29
			daysInMonth = 28
		End If
		daysInMonth = 31
	End If

	Return daysInMonth
End Function

Private Shared Function IsLeapYear(year As UInteger) As Boolean
	Return (year Mod 4 = 0 AndAlso (year Mod 100 <> 0 OrElse year Mod 400 = 0))
End Function


									Dim value = GetDaysInMonth(2015, 8)

