RGB To Hexadecimal

This algorithm converts RGB color model to hexadecimal color code.

									Public Structure RGB
	Private _r As Byte
	Private _g As Byte
	Private _b As Byte

	Public Sub New(r As Byte, g As Byte, b As Byte)
		Me._r = r
		Me._g = g
		Me._b = b
	End Sub

	Public Property R() As Byte
			Return Me._r
		End Get
		Set(value As Byte)
			Me._r = value
		End Set
	End Property

	Public Property G() As Byte
			Return Me._g
		End Get
		Set(value As Byte)
			Me._g = value
		End Set
	End Property

	Public Property B() As Byte
			Return Me._b
		End Get
		Set(value As Byte)
			Me._b = value
		End Set
	End Property

	Public Overloads Function Equals(rgb As RGB) As Boolean
		Return (Me.R = rgb.R) AndAlso (Me.G = rgb.G) AndAlso (Me.B = rgb.B)
	End Function
End Structure

Public Shared Function RGBToHexadecimal(rgb As RGB) As String
	Dim rs As String = DecimalToHexadecimal(rgb.R)
	Dim gs As String = DecimalToHexadecimal(rgb.G)
	Dim bs As String = DecimalToHexadecimal(rgb.B)

	Return "#"c & rs & gs & bs
End Function

Private Shared Function DecimalToHexadecimal(dec As Integer) As String
	If dec <= 0 Then
		Return "00"
	End If

	Dim hex As Integer = dec
	Dim hexStr As String = String.Empty

	While dec > 0
		hex = dec Mod 16

		If hex < 10 Then
			hexStr = hexStr.Insert(0, Convert.ToChar(hex + 48).ToString())
			hexStr = hexStr.Insert(0, Convert.ToChar(hex + 55).ToString())
		End If

		dec /= 16
	End While

	Return hexStr
End Function


									Dim data As New RGB(82, 0, 87)
Dim value = RGBToHexadecimal(data)

